
Welcome to Literature Approved!


My name is Rayleigh and I’m the definition of a book addict!

I started Literature Approved in December of 2015 to be a special place for all of my reviews. I have been reviewing books since 2012 (7 years). Originally, they were posted on my blog, Accelerate The Jesus Movement , but because of the vast amounts of books I was reviewing, they began to overtake my humble blog and I decided that it was time to send them to a very special place of their own. Thus, Literature Approved was born.

Since the making of Literature Approved, we have grown from a humble blog where a book-obsessed teen scribbled her passions about the novels she read to her 20 followers (mainly family); to an Author Services business with more than 650 subscribers and a growing team of reviewers! If only my younger self would have known how fast Literature Approved would grow and how important it would become in my life!

We have collectively reviewed over 600 books to date and don’t plan on stopping any time soon!

At Literature Approved, my passion is to do more than just read a book once, review it, and forget about it under the masses of reviews that are sure to follow. I want to see new authors and Indie authors grow fanbases. I want to watch them–you–succeed in the dreams of writing that bestseller and hear about all of the awards! I’ve had the incredible privilege of building so many relationships with authors over the years and that–watching a newly released novel slowly become a book that everyone is raving over in my news feeds, and knowing that I was a part of itthat is why I started Literature Approved. That is what I’m passionate about.

So, at Literature Approved you have access to so much more than just a review for your book. You have opportunities to advertise on our site and promote your books through our social media accounts. We offer a basic and inexpensive editing service to help your books sparkle and be the best that they can be. Our team can create custom graphics for you to use on your own social accounts, to help increase your own followers. And I, Rayleigh, have just decided to offer a new service that I sincerely hope you take advantage of!

Launching in February 2020, authors will have the chance to video call with me to discuss ways to market your book(s) on social media! During my internship with a literary agency in 2016/2017, I met so many authors who had no idea how to even begin marketing their books on social media! Much less, how to use the power of hashtags, insights, and the proper use of graphics. So during my internship that year, I video called with the agency’s clients and taught them the basics of social media marketing. After much thought and contemplation, now, 2 years later, I want to offer that same service on Literature Approved to help authors excel in getting their books not only heard about, but into the hands of readers!

You can learn about all of our different services below!

I hope Literature Approved is a good experience for you and I encourage you to reach out to me (via the form below) if you have any questions at all! I am more than happy to do what I can to help!

Contact and Connect With Us!

If you are in need of a review for your book and would like to send us a copy, fill out the contact form at the bottom of the Request a Review page.

The form at the bottom of THIS PAGE (just keep scrolling!) is for generic contact, questions, concerns, and our readers to get in touch with us!

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Direct Links on the Sidebar!

For more information, feel free to contact us!

Disclaimer: Any links clicked on this site may or may not provide monetary compensation in the form of affiliate links and ads. However, please rest assured that we do not promote ANYTHING that we do not endorse personally and the products/services that are advertised are specifically picked by our team to promote the products/services that we stand behind. Thank you!


  1. Your blog is wonderful! It’s so refreshing to see another teen blogger who shares the same values as I do. Keep up the good work! I look forward to seeing more from you in the future. 🙂

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